A monthly ‘Meat up’ on the 2nd Tuesday of every month
(except January)in search of Joburg’s best burger!


All riders MUST RSVP their interest so the restaurants can allocate an appropriate amount of space and so the food trucks can budget the right amount of food. RSVP’d guests are served first in the event of larger attendance.

What is ‘The Meat Up?’

A monthly community event replacing ‘Taco Tuesday.’ An event we hosted in Johannesburg since 2017.

Not all South African’s appreciate Mexican food, but we know you all love a good burger so we are changing things up in 2025 to introduce ‘The Meat Up.’

There will be 12 Meat Up’s in 2025 to 11 different restaurants or food trucks in the Johannesburg area. This event is not just about connecting riders but also supporting a variety of local businesses that make the best burger’s in town.

You’ll vote for your favorite burger and the best one gets a repeat event in Decemeber.

What is the cost?

There is no cost to attend. Each rider is responsible for paying for their own meal. Each restaurant will have a set price & menu for The Meat Up that includes a beer.

It’ll be the best deal in town on a Tuesday night!

Where do we meat?

Every months ride will meat at the Munro Drive lookout point in Houghton from 6-7pm. This spot has a big parking area where the bikes can line up with beautiful views of Johannesburg. Depending on the time of the year, we can often times get to watch the sunset from here.

Kickstands go up promptly at 7pm following a rider briefing. Then we’ll head out to the location picked out for the month. We do our absolute best to stay in a group, but sometimes traffic will split the group up. It’s best practice to be aware of the location we’re heading to and put it into your phone just in case you get broken up from the pack.

Who’s invited?

Everyone! Even if you don’t have a bike we encourage anyone who wants to be a part of the vibe to attend. If you’re curious about Bonafide Moto Co or you’ve been wanting to get a motorcycle one day this is a great way to get your foot in the door! We’re friendly and we welcome you to join us.

Are there any rules?

Only one rule. Don’t be a dick.